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10 Best Ideas For Your Bachelor Party

There comes a point in every guy’s  life, where in his status from being a bachelor changes to married. It’s  quite stressful when you realise that after marriage one has to spend his entire life only with one women. The entire process of one’s lifestyle changes after his/her’s change in the  relationship status. The agreement of both the parties is required in making simple life decisions. Pretty stressful!  right?  Well the answer to forget about your life long stress is , To have a bachelor’s party!

Just for once you get to do all the amazing things you wanted to do before getting yourself attached emotionally with another human being. This night has to be the most amazing night of your life! To make it more intense how about quoting it in the words of Barney Stinson from the famous sitcom ” How I met your mother ” the night before your wedding has to be “LEGENDARY”!

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So here in this article we are going to discuss about  the 10 best ways on how one can celebrate his bachelor’s party.

Buckle up your seat belts , because tonight is going to be LEGENDARY!

1) Going for a hiking trip

Well sounds quite odd , right?  But after you get married you are going to miss the thrill in your life, hearing your wife nag about the daily household expenses would make your life monotonous,  even going for such trips would be a big ask, as your wife would never agree on it. Having fun with your guys gang for one last time , sounds fun isn’t it? Afterall   all your friends would settle down and this could be your group’s last chance to camp.

2)Outdoor bachelor’s parry

For all the lazy ones, who plan to hog on lots of food and cheers to them. Setting up a barbecue in an open lawn and having beers with your best mates and chatting  one last time has to be included in your bucket list.

3)Disco Jam

You know once when you get married you won’t get to visit this place,  so how about giving a disco a proper farewell with your mates.

4)Rave night

Well , this has to be one of the best ways to celebrate your bachelor’s party and to forget your pre-marital stress. In India you don’t have strip clubs,  but you do have hash and good beer!  And nothing’s better then raving with your  friends for one last time before you get hithced!

5)Sports day

Imagine you’re in your early twenties and someone comes up to you and says ” bro after five to six years , forget playing on turf ” you would laugh at his face. Well in real once you get hitched your wife would play football with your life, and you’d be kicked from one end to another . Playing the sport you love one last time with your lads has to be one of the best ways of celebrating your bachelor’s party.

6) Beach night thrills

Well this is similar to going in a disco, the only difference is you and your lads chill by the beach one last time with beers in your hands before you get hitched. Drinking beer in beach at night time with your mates would be a memorable way to celebrate your bachelor’s party!

7) Adventure parks

Ever thought of going in the ride which made you pee in your pants as a child , well this might be your final chance to over come your fears. Let’s face it once when you get married you won’t be seeing this place for a long time, and when you visit it, it would be with your child and wife.

8) Road Trip

Invite a group of friends to join you for a bachelor party road trip. Whether you go near or far, your road trip with friends will leave you relaxed, enriched with fond memories, and ready for life as a married man.

9) Adult Speedways

Adult speedways feature faster cars and more difficult courses than you’d find in traditional go kart facilities. You can even join leagues, private or public, and test your skills against others for prizes. After your marriage this would be a  next to  impossible thing. This has to be one of the best ways to say “hasta , la vista ” to your single life.

10) Casino royale

Didn’t  love it when you saw Daniel Craig in casino.  royale playing poker. You always fantasized to be “Royal Bond guy”. So how about doing it in your life.


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