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Story Of A Foolish Man And A Clever Girl

Let’s Start Reading Story Of A Foolish Man And A Clever Girl

Once upon a time, there lived a small business man in a teeny village. He had a beautiful daughter whose beauty is admired by everyone who see her. Her flawless skin and kind heart made her more attractive. Her mother died when she was eight years old suffering from a disease. From then the father and the girl lived together. He used to look after his daughter in a very good manner.

Motivational Story-Just Think Out Of The Box

As the days passed on, the father’s business became unstable and began falling down. To make his business stable to make their living, he owed some amount of money from a money lender.  Yet, he wasn’t able to re-establish his business successfully. After a few days, the money lender came to the residence of the businessman to ask about the money. Then he saw his beautiful looking daughter there and fell in love with her looks. He wanted to marry her. He thought for a while and explained a deal to the business man. The money lender told him that he would clear all his debts and he need not pay him for that. But in return, he wants to marry his daughter. Hearing this, the business man wasn’t able to decide what to do.

After a while all of them i.e the money lender, the business man, his daughter and other people gathered at a garden. At a place which is filled with black and white pebbles, the money lender gently said to the girl’s father that he would take two pebbles out of which one is white and the other is black and put them in a bag. And the girl would come and pick up a pebble without seeing into the bag. If the girl picks a white pebble, then she should marry him and their debts will also be cleared off. If she picks a black pebble, she need not marry him yet their debts will be cleared off. The girl accepted the deal keeping her father and the debts in mind.

The money lender took two pebbles and had put them in a bag. But here, he took two white marbles instead of different marbles and this was noticed by the girl only. Yet she didn’t utter a word about the money lender and his wrong behavior’s. She went near the bag and took a pebble. Then with in no time, the girl threw the pebble in the mixture of pebbles. When questioned by everyone present over there, she apologized and said that if they can find out the color of the pebble which is still in the bag, the other one would be the picked up pebble. The money lender got tensed but he dare not to admit his sin in front of everyone. Then, after viewing that there is a white pebble in the bag, as per the deal, the lender cleared all the debts and the girl also need not marry him.

Moral: Every tough situation will have a solution, you just need to think out of the box.

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