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The King And The Spider Story

Read The King And The Spider Story:

Once upon a time, there lived a king named Robert. He was very clever, brave and courageous. He used to win in any battle against his enemies. All the people in his kingdom used to live happily with peace. But unfortunately, in a battle, he gets defeated by his enemy. All his soldiers and people lost hope in themselves and became sad. And this made him depressed and disheartened. He couldn’t encourage his soldiers to be brave anymore and he ran away far from his kingdom to a forest.

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The king had spent time alone sitting on a cave for a few days. He used to think of the same battle again and again. And on one fortunate day, a spider in the forest caught his attention. The spider was trying to climb up a tree. It tried for a several number of times but couldn’t reach its target. But then, the spider didn’t lose its hope at all and tried as many times as it can. And finally, it succeeded in reaching its target. This reminded the king a proverb, “Try and try until you succeed”. He was greatly motivated seeing the spider and he made up his mind to fight in the same way as the spider did to reach its goal. The king finally felt happy and in fact amazed that a small creature made him realize his mistake. He didn’t want to stay there and waste his time. He started travelling to his kingdom thinking of different ways to defeat his enemy.

The king went back to his kingdom, boosted confidence in his soldiers. He explained them how a little spider taught him such a great lesson. All his soldiers got motivated with that incident and got ready to fight with the opponents. Then he fought with his enemy along with his soldiers. But they failed to win the battle again. Yet, the king didn’t lose hope and  fought for another time. And this time the victory is all theirs. From then, the King and the people lived happily!

Moral: Success is not final, Failure is not fatal. You should never feel over depressed or proud about anything that you have. Because nothing is permanent. So from this story, there is much to learn about. Even in our real life situations, we may get defeated many times by others. But we should never get depressed and should not stop trying to succeed. Whenever you fall down, always try to wake up. It may be hard but hard is not actually impossible. Just know that there is only one life and you should make it a great success. Getting depressed and turning back are not the only solutions for a problem that you get whenever you are in a problem. You should face all your problems with courage. Never look back and try until you succeed. So hope this story of a King and a spider inspires and motivates you!

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