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6 Easy Ways To Earn Money Online And Offline

Today everyone urges for that extra money that can uplift your lifestyle. Students may desire pocket money, housewives might desire an earning from home, employees might wish to have an extra income. So here are some easy ways to earn money online and offline without consuming much of your time and energy:


This method has become quite famous among students who want to work for extra pocket money.

In this, all you need to do is just fill online surveys in your spare time.

Research companies are always in search of people who can answer their surveys and fill their online forms.

You just need to spare few minutes and you can earn up to $5 for some form filling surveys.

Vivah Anudan Yojana


You don’t need to be a master in understanding stock market for this job. You can invest in stock markets and earn money all by yourself, with little knowledge, with the help of online market trading platforms.

The two biggest platforms are Plus500 and has around 4.5. million users all over the world. It was recently featured in a BBC2 documentary and the Financial times. Its CopyTrader feature is the best. This actually lets you see, follow and imitate the investments of other traders who are top performing.  You can easily earn around $200.

Talking about Plus500, it also offers free practice account, like the above one and also gives you a free £20 for their CFD service which is worth taking up, but huge risks are involved. CFD trading can be quite volatile and you can lose your entire capital. So, it’s better not to take risk if you don’t understand the concept fully.


Well it’s a very fun job. If you are pretty nifty with web browsing, then it’s time that you earn through it. is a platform that pays its people every day to review all kinds of sites.

Each review would take around 20 minutes from your day and you can earn $10 via PayPal.

You simply need to sign up, complete an easy test and be ready to receive websites in your inbox and review them.



By this trick, Disney Studios restricts some of it home release classics from being supplied. This is done to keep the demand high. They are locked up in the ‘vault’ for around 8 to 10 years before they are released for a short unspecific time.

You can buy them on their window at normal retail price and you can earn well buy selling them when they go off sale.

The price difference can be £24.99 and £74.99 even, which was witnessed on amazon in 2011.


This concept is based on internet crowd-sourcing, where businesses generally advertise scalable and quite specific tasks, which they need to be completed quickly. For you it can be a very easy way to earn cash just from your couch.

Usually the tasks involve web research or form filling, or even some data entry or proofreading jobs. You are rewarded in cash through PayPal


Slicethepie is a website where you can earn by reviewing unsigned bands and artists online.

Though, it might take a while in building your reputation, but once you are on the hitlist you can earn £40 a month even.

This might not sound much to you, but if are really fond of music and have real taste of it, then you can make it your job. It isn’t hard work and is a great thing for your CV.

Thus, these were the amazing jobs which can earn you money even if you are a couch potato.

I hope you liked our post 6 Easy Ways To Earn Money Online And Offline.

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