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Twitter Hidden Hacks You’ll Be Amazed To Know

Sometimes it’s really confusing to use twitter when the home page is become haphazard and messy. You might not excel in using your twitter account. So many people to follow, so many contacts to keep track of. Now, just cut the complexity and become a Pro in using twitter. Let’s know, what are the twitter hidden hacks which will amaze you.

So, for becoming a superstar on twitter, be tuned with the blog.


Want to organize your twitter feed and try out a swift way of accessing only that information which you want? If yes, then this hack is surely for you. All you need to do is create a follow list.

As per Twitter, is “A” list is generally a precise group of the Twitter users. You can easily create your own list of people you follow or subscribe to any list created by other twitter users.

When you’ll view a list timeline you would get to see a long stream of Tweets only from the users on that list of yours.”

To create the list click on your profile on twitter → More→ Lists.

Or you can just type in “g” and “l.” Then click on the option “Create new list.”

Then, type in any name you like for your list and a brief description of that. Finally, set the privacy settings, then save the list, and you’re done easily.

To open and survey your newly-formed list feed, go to your twitter profile page and click on the icon “Lists.”

Now, to, activate the list, add the desired and relevant or important Twitter users to your list by clicking on the gear button next to the ‘Follow’ button on those user’s account.

You need not be following the user to add them to your list.

Lastly, choose “Add or remove option from your list” for different users and then check the list you want.

Nyakim Gatwech – Queen Of The Dark


To determine your popularity level in twitter as a social media platform, you can easily search and find out on which public lists you’ve been added.

To do so, from your ‘lists’ page, click on the option “Member of.

By knowing which lists have you, you can have an idea of how you’re actually perceived and known on Twitter.

Whether you are in many of the “SEO” lists or that of the “digital marketer” lists?


In twitter, the more you use ‘hashtags’, the more engagement you get on your tweets, which paves a path for your popularity. Well, tweets with any kind of hashtags have been proven to have double engagement rate, allows to grow more followers, to improve reputation, and to gain various kinds of information.


 The best hours in a day to tweet something are between 9am and 3pm EST Mondays and Thursdays, considering weekdays. Well, forget Friday as a weekday in this case.

It is believed that tweets in this hour are more seen and acknowledged as more people are online at this time.


 Well, Twitter’s search bar looks quite unassuming and humble, yet to your knowledge, it invariably possesses an incredible amount of power to make you get in contact with personalities who can benefit you. You can definitely unleash this power using the twitter’s Search Operators.

Vivah Anudan Yojana 


As you integrate and develop your Twitter life with all of the other aspects of your online and professionally social life, there might be plethora of apps that do have access to your twitter account.

Well this app platform does help you to check out what are the applications that are accessing your Twitter account.

To find out, from your profile settings, go to “Apps” icon.

If you want to clean some stuffs then you can do that by just clicking on “revoke access.”


 Twitter’s technique of advanced search is actually very advanced. With the accessibility to exabytes of information that are churned out by tweeters regularly, there is a ton of amazing information available for your searching.

Advanced Search is a great way to find it.

If, by chance, you are not yet pro at using the stupendous buffet of search operators, you can definitely employ the advanced search to combine together a precise and targeted search for your benefit.

Some features of Advanced Search are:

  • Do your search based on a set of given catchy words.
  • Try to search for an exact phrase
  • You can search for any of the several given words.
  • Always search hashtags.
  • You can search based on any of the Twitter’s dozens of supported languages.
  • Try to search for people from particular accounts
  • You can also search for people tweeting to particular accounts
  • Try to search for people mentioning certain accounts
  • You can search for tweets sent near some specified location
  • Search for some tweets that occur within a certain date frame.
  • Go and search for positive tweets.
  • Go and Search for negative tweets.
  • You can also search for questioning tweets.
  • Also, search for retweets
  • Finally, you can also use the idea of search for any combination of all those things

Though it’s quite complex, but then too, employing these tricks would surely help and benefit you.

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