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How To Remove Trojan Horse Virus

Are you curious to know “How to remove trojan horse virus?”. Trojan Horse is a virus that gets attached to some of the files in your PC and also programs that you usually download from the internet.

The main characteristic of Trojan Horse is that once it finds a way to get into your computer, it automatically starts destroying your stored files secretly.

This has been basically designed in the form of a useful software, but it actually does just the opposite by posing several threats to your computer.

Features of Trojan horse virus:

  • The significant difference between a normal computer virus and a Trojan horse virus is that it isn’t specifically developed and designed for spreading themselves.
  • Trojan horse virus is actually downloaded either as an infected file from the internet, or as a charge of some other virus.
  • This virus is capable of stealing and violating end-user information and uploading other malware into a computer too.
  • To fight with such treacherous and dangerous virus, your computer needs to be equipped with firewall security. Along with this, you can also install an antivirus software into your system.
  • However, you need to note that an antivirus software isn’t always effective against the Trojan horse, so in that scenario the only way out of the big problem is to remove this Trojan horse virus manually.


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The simple steps to remove the virus manually include:

  • Recognize the Trojan Virus: After you recognise a file infected with Trojan horse, it becomes comparatively easy to remove it. Generally, your system would be giving you a DLL error, which would be somewhat associated with the Trojan attack. So, you could copy the error and find out about the actual affected exe file online.
  • Hault in the function of system restore: If, by chance you forget this step, then it would restore the files you will be deleting.
  • Restart your PC: When you restart the PC, press F8 initially and then select the safe mode to start your computer.
  • Head to Add or Remove Programs: You would find this in the control panel, and then you need to remove the programs affected with Trojan horse virus.
  • Remove extensions: To delete and remove all the files of any program, you must remove them from Windows System folder.

Once you’re done with the above steps, you must restart your system in the normal mode this time.


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Another way of removing Trojan horse virus manually includes a series of steps such as:

  • Firstly, display all the hidden folders from the ‘folder’ options
  • Then restart the PC in safe mode
  • Then you need to stop the various processes that are associated with the Trojan virus.
  • However, to complete the above steps, you would have to edit your PC’s system’s registry.

Points to remember:

For moving the infected files from your registry to somewhere else, you would have to find the file in the RUN folder.

Further, when you find the folder finally, you would have to delete the exe files and the dlls related to the Trojan names and then finally delete and remove the value.

You must also check the Startups and try to find out what programs are loaded automatically when you start your system then.

This is method is a good option for those, who have some knowledge about actual editing of the registry. Otherwise, you would have to use an advanced program to remove the Trojan horse virus from your PC.

Deleting a Trojan Horse virus manually is actually quite difficult. Hopefully, the latest anti-malware apps are very effective in removing the Trojan horse virus, as well as, other malware that might be damaging your system’s performance.


Perhaps, the best application for removing Trojan Horse virus is Plumbytes Anti-malware.

Plumbytes is actually fully compatible with Windows 8.1/10 and fortunately offers a free scan for you to identify Trojan horse viruses and other malware threats.

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