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Panchatantra Story-The foolish Baker and the innocent farmer

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In a small village, there lived a poor farmer. He used to live with his wife and his daughter. The farmer used to exchange a pound of butter with a baker for a loaf of bread weighing a pound.

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The baker used to live in a city and the farmer used to go to the city for the exchange of goods. On one fine day, the farmer went to the city to sell a pound of butter and to buy a loaf of bread from him as usual. Then the baker got a thought of weighing the butter so as to confirm whether the farmer is giving him the right quantity of butter or not.

Then he got to know that the butter given by the farmer was of a lesser weight than a pound. This angered the baker and he questioned the farmer regarding the weight. Before the farmer replied, the baker took the farmer to the court and presented him in front the judge. When questioned by the judge about the incident, the farmer responded that he doesn’t really weigh the butter but he has a scale. The judge then asked, “But how do you weigh the butter sell it to the baker naming it as a pound of butter?”

The farmer then replied, “Your honor, the baker sells me a pound of loaf and I use that as a scale. Long ago, the baker started selling me a loaf of bread weighing a pound. From then I use that loaf of bread as my scale to weigh a pound. So, I should not be blamed and if anyone is to be blamed, it is the baker. I can also provide the loaf given by the baker as a proof for that. You can weigh it and make sure if it is of a pound or not.” Hearing this, the judge angrily scolded the baker and asked him if he has to say anything about this. But the baker has nothing to say or do except to bend his head down and accept the crime.

He then apologized the farmer. Feeling that the baker realized his mistake, the judge just asked him to pay some fine to the farmer.

Moral: Life is a boomerang, you get what you give. If we be honest, others will be honest to us. If we be loyal to others, they show the same loyalty towards us. It is all of what you do and how you behave. So always be kind, cooperative, honest, faithful and virtuous with others. Do not ever try to cheat others. You never know what may happen with you tomorrow. So, this thought provoking story is a lesson to everyone who think of betraying others. The way the baker tried to deceive the innocent farmer is really merciful. But yes, truth always wins and the same happened in this story too. Hope this motivates others and helps them in being faithful.

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