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How To Hide All The Tabs Through Panik Button

Every human being comes alone to the world and goes alone from the world. Well between the two events we get to meet lots of people and get to know many of them. Sometimes we like many people’s company while sometimes we don’t.

Some people become very close to us and some don’t. While we indulge our lives with many people, we always strive for some privacy. We wish some things to be private. Even though in many ways our invasion of privacy is been made.

Even when we are browsing through our laptops and computers, we browse some things which we wish to keep private. That may be anything depending upon person to person. This article will talk about the way through which we can make this happen.

This simple task is been carried on through an application called ‘Panic button’. The name itself speaks for the action that is been carried. How does this work?

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The steps for the same are as follows:

1)    Download the application named ‘Panic button’.

2)    After downloading this when we browse anything, an extra taskbar is been added.

3)    From now on whenever private browsing is been carried on and if the means of invasion of privacy is coming towards you, all you need to do is press the button.

4)    When the button is been pressed, all the tabs gets restored and a new tab opens.

5)    If one needs to restore the tabs back then all one needs to do is click on the button again. First time clicking on the button means closing all the tabs. While second time clicking the very same button means restoring the closed tabs back.

This is very convenient as one doesn’t have to research all over again what we were searching in order to get the earlier tabs back. This panic button can be used in anyway one wants to use it. It means that this program can be customized and can be made worked in the exact way which we want. This panic button can be used as ones Chrome book, and even sort of like a bookmark. This panic button can be activated through a custom hotkey or our choice of URLs can be made to open.

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There are lots of features available in panic button. Some of the features of panic button are been listed below.

1)    Protect the Google chrome tabs through passwords.

This panic button surely hides the tabs which one chooses to hide but also secures them tightly with a password. This is very much useful when other people are also using your laptop or computer and you want to keep those tabs hidden from others and want to open them when you want with a password which is only known to you.

2)    Anti- Snooping feature

When you are not the only one using a respective laptop or computer you can hide all the private tabs through panic button. But what if you want to hide the panic button itself? Because the symbol of panic button would make others suspicious. Not to worry. There is an option to hide the panic button itself. And this button can be restored when one wants.

Do try it and enjoy your private browsing!

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